Zaawansowane biomateriały i technologie dla zdrowia
Koordynator klastra
prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Michota-Kamińska
Tematyka badawcza
The proposed cluster brings together 11 groups and laboratories interested in fundamental research and technology applications in medicine and diagnostics. Our groups specialize in diverse yet complementary research fields: sensors arrays for biological samples (G12), surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for medical diagnostics (G1), in vivo biomedical imaging (G3) bio-fabrication of tissues and bio-compatible materials (G32), microfluidics and miniaturized tissue models (G19), intracellular dynamics of drug carriers and therapeutics (G10), growth and evolution of pathogenic bacteria (G15), novel anti-microbial and anti-viral agents (G2), and health effects of air pollutants (G17).
The technical expertise available in our groups encompasses various domains of chemistry, biology, physics, optical engineering and computer science: spectroscopy and chromatography, optical imaging and sensing, wavefront engineering, microfluidics, bio-3d-printing, organ-on-chip, genetic engineering of microbes and cells, machine learning, and computer modelling of chemical, physical and biological processes.
The research carried out by the groups has already sparked partnerships with industry, medicine, and basic life sciences, and has led to the establishment of spin-off companies. We have also been involved in pre-clinical research studies. Our research aligns very well with two themes of the Horizon Europe cluster “Health”: “Destination 3. Tackling diseases and reducing disease burden” and “Destination 5. Unlocking the full potential of new tools, technologies and digital solutions for a healthy society”. Recent conversations following the roll-out of the Excellence Clusters programme have helped us realize many synergies between our groups. In particular, the interdisciplinary nature of our research, complementarity of research techniques, and overlapping research interests create a unique environment with an immense potential for collaboration.
To tap into this potential, in the first 6 months of cluster’s existence we plan to organize joint meetings and seminars to discuss areas of possible future grant applications. These areas include (but are not limited to) high-throughput platforms for applications in biomedical research including preclinical screening of drugs in pharmaceutical R&D and personalized medicine, sensitive and rapid methods for early detection of diseases, pathogens, and pollutants, and novel therapies. We also plan to actively seek external partners for joint Horizon Europe applications by inviting potential collaborators to present at IChF seminars. Additionally, we will be visiting other Polish and EU institutions and showcasing our research. We already have many long-term collaborators in the EU and EU-associated countries, which increases our potential to successfully apply for EU funding.
Mostly interested in EU cluster Health
Zespoły lub laboratoria współtworzące klaster
- Zespół 1 „Nanostruktury plazmoniczne do analiz biospektroskopowych”, kierownik prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Michota-Kamińska
- Zespół 2 “Living Materials”, kierownik dr hab. Jan Paczesny, prof. instytutu
- Zespół 3 “Optyka fizyczna i biofotonika”, kierownik prof. dr hab. Maciej Wojtkowski
- Zespół 10 “Fizykochemia Miękkiej Materii”, kierownik prof. dr hab. Robert Hołyst
- Zespół 12 „Macierze czujnikowe”, kierownik dr Emilia Witkowska-Nery
- Zespół 13 „Fizykochemia układów złożonych”, kierownik prof. dr hab. Wojciech Góźdź
- Zespół 14 „Procesy przeniesienia ładunku w układach hydrodynamicznych”, kierownik dr hab. Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka, prof. Instytutu
- Zespół 15 “Dioscuri Centre for Physics and Chemistry of Bacteria”, kierownik dr Bartłomiej Wacław
- Zespół 17 „Zespół Chemii Środowiska”, kierownik prof. dr hab. inż. Rafał Szmigielski
- Zespół 18, „Polimery funkcjonalne”, kierownik: dr hab. Piyush Sindhu Sharma, prof. instytutu
- Zespół 19 „Miękka Materia Ziarnista i Inżynieria Tkankowa”, kierownik dr Jan Guzowski
- Zespół 32 “Wytwarzanie cyfrowe układów biomimetycznych”, kierownik dr Marco Costantini
- Laboratorium Badań Warstw Molekularnych, kierownik dr Paweł Borowicz
- Laboratorium Analizy Chromatograficzne, kierownik dr Monika Asztemborska