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Category: Condensed matter physics
Adam Samborski
- Position: Specialist
- Research group: Team 11 - Microfluidics and Complex Fluids Research Group
- Keywords: statistical physics of simple fluids, liquid crystals, applications of the density-functional theory, Microfluidic systems
Alina Ciach
- Position: Full Professor
- Research group: Team 24 - Complex Systems and Chemical Processing of Information
- Keywords: self-assembling systems, statistical thermodynamics
Andrzej Poniewierski
- Position: Full Professor
- Research group: Team 10 - Soft Condensed Matter
- Keywords: soft matter, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, diffusion in complex sysytems
Horacio Serna
- Position: Research assistant
- Research group: Physical chemistry of complex systems
- Keywords: Colloidal systems with competing interactions, self-assembly, confined self-assembling systems
Jakub Pękalski
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 13 - Physical Chemistry of Complex Systems
- Keywords: soft matter physics, soft matter self-assembly, molecular simulations, statystical physics
Karol Makuch
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Team 10
- Keywords: complex liquids, diffusion, dielectrics, nonequilibrium statistical physics, transport properties
Piotr Bernatowicz
PhD, DSc
- Position: Assistant professor
- Research group: Laboratory for NMR Spectroscopy
- Keywords: NMR, molecular dynamics, hydrogen bonding
Svyatoslav Kondrat
PhD, DSc
- Position: Associate professor
- Research group: Team 13 - Physical Chemistry of Complex Systems
- Keywords: soft condensed matter physics, energy storage, biophysics, critical phenomena, colloids
Wojciech Góźdź
- Position: Full Professor
- Research group: Team 13 - Physical Chemistry of Complex Systems
- Keywords: satistical thermodynamcs, computer simulations, liquid crystals, lipid membranes
Zbigniew Kaszkur
PhD, DSc
- Position: Associate professor
- Research group: Team 16 - Dynamics of nanocrystal structure induced by surface chemistry
- Keywords: atomistic modeling, powder diffraction, diffusion in solids, chemical reaction mechanism, nanocrystal dynamics