CHEMIPAN R&D Laboratories

CHEMIPAN R&D Laboratories

General information

CHEMIPAN was established in 1971 at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC PAS) as one of the first companies in Poland engaged in manufacturing high quality chemicals. CHEMIPAN develops new products and technological processes in accordance with market needs and performs custom syntheses of chemical compounds on a scale from milligrams to wholesale quantities.

Since 1983, in cooperation with the Forest Research Institute, we have been developing and manufacturing modern agents and traps, based mainly on semiochemicals, for monitoring pest populations in forests, orchards and horticultural crops. The pheromones produced by CHEMIPAN enjoy a well-deserved reputation in domestic and foreign markets.

Other branches of our activity include the production of chromatographic and refractometric standards - which we have in stock.

We have our own Quality Control Department, which conducts ongoing analysis of our products. We also use many highly specialised analytical equipment available at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. Our staff have many years of experience and the highest professional qualifications.

We look forward to cooperating with you!


Custom synthesis of chemical compounds

Please direct your questions and orders to

Synthesis of chemical compounds from our permanent offer

Pheromones for monitoring pest numbers - forest, orchard and horticultural

Chromatographic standards

Terms of order

Before placing an order, please send us an inquiry about availability, lead time and price. Please send inquiries and orders to Please read the attachments.




Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences

Kasprzaka 44/52

01-224 Warsaw


Director of CHEMIPAN

CHEMIPAN - secretary's office

Commercial Department

Telephone exchange

tel.: +48 22 632 4513

Internal numbers

0 - for English-speaking customers
1 - Commercial department - Pheromones
2 - Commercial department - Chemistry
3 - Director's Secretariat
8 - Accounting department

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