Press notes

One, two, three – catch CRP


One, two, three – catch CRP

As inflammation is the body's natural immune response to disease or infection, it...

Invitation to Cluster’s 3 Excellence Chemistry Lecture titled: Coupling chemistry and cavitation bubbles: an emerging mode of activation boosted by the electrification of our society


Invitation to Cluster’s 3 Excellence Chemistry Lecture titled: Coupling chemistry and cavitation bubbles: an emerging mode of activation boosted by the electrification of our society

You are cordially invited to a talk organized by Cluster 3,...

Your PhD at IChF: the 2nd round of recruitment to the Doctoral School for the 2024/2025 academic year starts on July 26!


Your PhD at IChF: the 2nd round of recruitment to the Doctoral School for the 2024/2025 academic year starts on July 26!

About us: The Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of...

Fill the gap with the sine-patterned trap


Fill the gap with the sine-patterned trap

Antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections are becoming a major societal...

“Teaming for Excellence" (Horizon Europe) grant to create a centre of excellence dedicated to eye health at the Institute (ICTER)


“Teaming for Excellence" (Horizon Europe) grant to create a centre of excellence dedicated to eye health at the Institute (ICTER)

The team from IChF’s International Centre for Eye Research (ICTER) secured...

A new way to monitor eye microcirculation. Multiwavelength laser Doppler holography (MLDH) in time-frequency optical tomography OCT (STOC-T)


A new way to monitor eye microcirculation. Multiwavelength laser Doppler holography (MLDH) in time-frequency optical tomography OCT (STOC-T)

For the eyes to function properly, they must be adequately supplied with blood,...

The f-ORG technique will detect the smallest changes in human photoreceptors


The f-ORG technique will detect the smallest changes in human photoreceptors

Photoreceptors are the fundamental component of the entire vision process. These...

Reading from the light


Reading from the light

Every year, medical diagnostics are getting better and better thanks to the...

“From science to business, from science to justice” – interview with Prof. Fernando Colmenares and Prof. Juan Carlos Colmenares about RDI opportunities, collaboration potential, PhD studies at IChF and the double BERSTIC summit in Colombia and Poland


“From science to business, from science to justice” – interview with Prof. Fernando Colmenares and Prof. Juan Carlos Colmenares about RDI opportunities, collaboration potential, PhD studies at IChF and the double BERSTIC summit in Colombia and Poland

We are pleased to present an exclusive interview with Colombian Professors...

We invite young researchers to join the STER Summer School in Redox Processes with world-class international experts


We invite young researchers to join the STER Summer School in Redox Processes with world-class international experts

We are delighted to invite PhD students and young researchers to the STER Summer...

Bloody net


Bloody net

Angiogenesis is a process of forming hierarchical vascular networks in living...

Doctoral seminar in Dornburg within the framework of our partnership with Leibnitz-IPHT


Doctoral seminar in Dornburg within the framework of our partnership with Leibnitz-IPHT

As part of the established strategic partnership with the Leibniz Institute of...