Significant Projects

Horizon for Excellence in messenger RNA applications in immunoOncology
Project manager:
prof. dr hab. Robert Hołyst
Implementation period:
2022 - 2027
Polish Science Fund
Project number:
Short description:
The project is carried out by the team of prof. dr hab. Robert Hołyst (Soft Condensed Matter) from the Institute of Physical Chemistry, the Polish Academy of Sciences in consortium with the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (leader), the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw. The research aims to develop a highly effective therapeutic mRNA technology and its subsequent application in cancer immunotherapy. The project was co-financed of almost PLN 70 m. as part of the Virtual Research Institute programme implemented by PORT Łukasiewicz.
Polish Academy of Sciences’ Individual Fellowships: Innovation & Creativity
Implementation period:
2020 - 2025
Supplementary funding:
funds of the Ministry of Education and Science
Project number:
Short description:
PASIFIC is a scholarship programme by the Polish Academy of Sciences that funds doctoral internships for 50 scientists at institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences selected through an international competition. The scholars conduct research in any field of study under the supervision of a scientist they independently choose. The academic supervisors, host institutions, and international partners are proposed by the scholars themselves, aimed at optimally fostering their research development and career progression. The Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences hosts 6 PASIFIC scholars pursuing the following research:

1) Predictive models of bacterial colonization from machine-learning aided image processing [COLONAIZE]; 881 439,12 PLN
2) Integration of plasmon-induced 2D supported atomic site catalysts for thermo-photocatalytic CO2 utilization/valorisation of organic waste into useful chemicals [PLASMONIC]; 881 157,12 PLN
3) Metal-organic frameworks for zinc-ion hybrid energy storage devices [MOFZIE]; 818 799,12 PLN
4) Biowaste Derived Activated Carbon and Metal Organic Framework Structures for Printable Microsupercapacitors [BMOF], 883 695,12 PLN
5) Development of a non-invasive diagnostic method for early detection of changes in the level of retinol-binding protein 3 (RBP3) linked to Diabetic Retinopathy [RBP3 IMAGING]; 912 375,46 PLN
6) Fabrication of multiple sites microporous polymers for mitigating CO2 and its utilization [MICPOLCO2]; 872 697,12 PLN
Project website:
Dioscuri Centre
Dioscuri Centre for Physics and Chemistry of Bacteria
Project manager:
Dr Bartłomiej Wacław
Implementation period:
2020 - 2025
Max Planck Society/National Science Centre
Project number:
Short description:
The Dioscuri Centre investigates processes of bacterial growth and evolution using a combination of experiments and computational methods, in partnership with the Evolutionary Theory Department at the MPI Plön. Research activities focus on the physics and chemistry of interactions between bacteria, their environment, and animal cells: adhesion, mechanical interactions, diffusion, and others. The main goal is to better understand bacterial infections and the evolution of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria invading human and animal hosts.
Project website:
International Centre for Translational Eye Research
Project manager:
Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski
Implementation period:
2019 - 2023
International Research Agenda programme, Foundation for Polish Science
Project number:
Short description:
The International Centre for Translational Eye Research ICTER – a new research center, subunit of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, established by professors Maciej Wojtkowski and Krzysztof Palczewski, aims to research the dynamics and plasticity of the human eye and to develop new therapies and diagnostic tools to assist in various visual dysfunctions. ICTER is an interdisciplinary initiative covering areas of applied optics, new technologies, engineering, chemistry, biophysics, biology and medicine. The project is implemented with foreign partner – Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London (UCL) in Great Britain.
Project website:
From Postdoc to PI: Future leaders of ERA
Implementation period:
2019 - 2024
Supplementary funding:
Ministry of Science and Higher Education - implementation of an international co-financed projects
Project number:
Short description:
PD2PI is a novel postdoctoral programme of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC), designed to foster new generation of scientists (Experienced Researchers) to become independent leaders/managers capable of working in business and/or academia. PD2PI offers research training programme, based on 3-i approach (i.e. intersectoral, international and interdisciplinary), in the field of broadly understood chemistry with its links to medicine/biology and physics. The PD2PI fellows will be free to choose research area from IPC offer and submit own interdisciplinary research proposal, which will be evaluated with participation of international experts in a transparent competition. Each successfully selected project will be carried out within the framework of international cooperation.
Project website:
IMaging-based CUSTOMised EYE diagnostics
Implementation period:
2018 - 2021
Supplementary funding:
Ministry of Science and Higher Education - implementation of an international co-financed projects
Project number:
Short description:
IMCUSTOMEYE partners will develop a tool based on innovative photonics and modelling approaches in response to the need to personalize healthcare in ophthalmology, improve diagnostics and health outcomes, reduce costs and promote active and healthy ageing, while complying with the objectives of the EU Horizon 2020. IMCUSTOMEYE will contribute to a more effective, customised treatment of eye diseases and to reinforce industrial leadership in the area of diagnostic imaging in ophthalmology.
Project website:
The CREAtion of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological SysTEms
Implementation period:
2015 - 2020
Supplementary funding:
Ministry of Science and Higher Education - implementation of an international co-financed projects
Project number:
Short description:
The CREATE project is targeted at development of a new chair - Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems within the structure of the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC) led by world-class scientist reputable in the European Research Area (‘ERA Chair holder’). For the ERA Chair holder position Professor Maciej Wojtkowski was selected, a world-widely renowned scientist working in the field of biomedical imaging.
Project website:
Interdisciplinary NAnoscience School: from phenoMEnology to applicationS
Implementation period:
2016 - 2021
Supplementary funding:
Ministry of Science and Higher Education - implementation of an international co-financed projects
Project number:
Short description:
The NaMeS project is aimed at creating the international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary doctoral studies, under which 22 excellent and well-motivated young scientists (Early Stage Researchers) will carry out ambitious research in the field of nanosciences (nanotechnology, modern nanomaterials and microstructure of matter).
Project website:
EVOdrops: Doctoral Training Network in directed EVOlution in DROPS
Project manager:
prof. Piotr Garstecki
Implementation period:
2019 – 2023
The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant
Project number:
Short description:
EVOdrops is a translational approach for microfluidics and biochemical methods towards the engineering of proteins and systems of industrial or therapeutic interest. Two fundamental aspects of protein engineering will be effectively combined: 1.Generation of a large and controlled genetic diversity usable as a pool of active catalysts containing unknown variants of interest. 2.Analysis and selection at an ultra-high throughput of libraries to identify improved variants fulfilling the user-defined constraints (rate of catalysis, specificity, stability).
Project website:
New technological advances for the third generation of Solar cells
Implementation period:
2016/01/01 – 2018/12/31
Project number:
Short description:
The emerging perovskite sensitized solar cells (PSCs) are very likely to revolutionize the market of photovoltaic devices. Their meteoric rise in performance – from 10% in 2013 to over 24% in 2018 – attracted intense attention of the scientific community. This project proposed disruptive approaches for the development of highly efficient PSCs aiming to face the challenge of bringing this new and promising technology to the commercial level for the first time ever. GOTSolar main goals went substantially beyond the state-of-the-art and included: 1) development of new advanced materials targeting 24 % of efficiency for lab-size (ca. 25 mm2) PSCs; 2) assessing and solving PSC durability issues, namely, developing a new hermetically laser assisted glass encapsulation process to enable high-durability and tested under accelerated aging conditions; and 3) framing the early stage scale-up processes by assembling a device of 10×10 cm2 used for demonstrating the scalability of the developments for producing the first perovskite solar module with potential for 20 years of lifetime.
Project website:
NanOtechnology, Biomaterials and aLternative Energy Source for ERA integration
Project manager:
prof. dr hab. Robert Hołyst
Implementation period:
2011 - 2014
Supplementary funding:
The Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the implementation of international projects co-financed
Project number:
Short description:
The overarching goal of the NOBLESSE project is to establish the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPC-PAS) as an integrated partner and respected participant in the European nanoscience community. The IPC-PAS has a strong research record in both fundamental studies of physiochemical processes as well as application oriented research. The use and control of nanostructured materials is of great importance for the development of new environmentally friendly materials, more efficient energy-sources and biosensors for medical analysis. The NOBLESSE project will bring essential equipment to the institute, but also help create a Polish nanoscience network to survey the major equipment at Polish research centres and make sure that necessary equipment is available to the researchers. This will be an important development not only for IPC-PAS but for Polish nanoscience as a whole.
Project website:
Effects of confinement on inhomogeneous systems
Project manager:
Prof. Alina Ciach
Implementation period:
2017 - 2022
Horizon 2020
Project number:
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016-734276 (CONIN)
Short description:
The objective of the project is determination of universal features and specific properties of various systems spontaneously ordering into spatially inhomogeneous structures (mobile ions in solids, ionic liquid mixtures, soft- matter and biological systems), with special focus on effects of confinement. There is striking similarity between properties of the above systems despite different interactions and length scales of inhomogeneities. The fundamental relation between structural inhomogeneities and mechanical and thermodynamic properties is not fully understood because the exchange of knowledge between the solid-state, liquid-matter, soft-matter and biophysical communities is limited. Theoretical and simulation approaches developed by 3 EU MS + 1 AC + 2 TC groups are closely connected or complementary. We use mean-field, liquid-matter, DFT, integral equations, field and collective-variables theories, molecular simulation approaches, and experimental methods of electrochemistry. We will share our experience in constructing/modifying, solving and verifying experimentally models for different complex systems. The new results and theoretical approaches will help in future studies of various inhomogeneous systems. The first work package concerns systems spontaneously forming ordered patterns, from thin films on solid surfaces through particles on interfaces to biological membranes and arid ecosystems. The pattern formation can be exploited in innovative technology. In the second work package we will investigate ionic liquids/ionic-liquid mixtures, especially near charged surfaces and in porous media, and mobile ions in intercalation compounds. Mobile ions and ionic liquids in porous electrodes are potentially important in innovative electrochemistry. EU/TC knowledge transfer will be by joint theoretical, simulation and experimental studies. Open workshops will be organized. Long term visits of young researchers and joint supervision of PhD students are planned.
Project website:

Other grants

Conference on Recent Advances in Translational Eye Research
Implementation period:
2021 -2023
Excellent Science - Support for scientific conferences/ Programme financed by the Ministry of Education and Science
Project number:
Short description:
The aim of the Project is to organise an international conference on eye research. Research on techniques, diagnostic tools and treatment of the eye requires cooperation of specialists from several different fields, which significantly hinders the exchange of scientific ideas. Therefore, the best platform for broadening and updating knowledge in this research area is a scientific conference. Our project also aims to build the image of Poland as a country where research projects are conducted at the highest world level.
Platform of expert support for industry - Creation and expansion of a platform of offers to intensify cooperation between science and industry in practical applications of biological and chemical sciences
Implementation period:
2018 - 2020
Short description:
The aim of this initiative is, on the one hand, to promote the services offered by the Institute of Physical Chemistry and the Institute of Experimental Biology for industry and, on the other hand, to ensure effective communication with industry and practical support for product and process innovations in response to inquiries from entrepreneurs.
Project website:
Development of Biowaste derived Carbon Dots and Metal Organic Frameworks heterostructures to build a platform for printable Biosensors
Project manager:
dr Disha
Implementation period:
2024-01-01 to 2025-12-31
This research is part of the project no. 2022/47/P/ST5/02424 co-funded by the National Science Centre and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 945339.
Project number:
Project website:
Perovskite-based van der Waals heterostructures for photodetector applications
Project manager:
dr Samrat Das Adhikar
This research is part of the project No. 2022/47/P/ST5/03261 co-funded by the National Science Centre and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 945339.
Project number:
Short description:
2D perovskite heterostructures are in the forefront of current research for photodetector (PD) application because of their outstanding optoelectronic performances and synergies of the conjugated semiconductor band alignments. Their magnificent optical and electronic properties fulfil the criteria for the potential photodetector candidate. In the present day, perovskite materials are very promising in terms of their easy and low-cost preparation method, outstanding visible absorption and emission and their efficient solar to power conversion efficiencies. Tremendous achievements in 2D semiconductor heterojunctions have been obtained in photodetector applications. Perovskite semiconductors forms atomic thin-layer to thicker nanoplatelets to micron-sized 2D sheets, which are considered to be effective as an active layer for the PD application. In this context, several concepts are employed in this proposal to explore the opportunities of perovskite heterostructure-based PDs. Heterojunction in semiconductors define a conjugation of two different material with dissimilar bandgaps, which combines through lattice matching between their crystals. Experimental synthesis experiences some difficulties of lattice matching between two individual semiconductors, which indeed restricts potential band conjugation and hence fails to provide esteemed synergies. In this point, 2D materials are very interesting for the formation of van der Waals heterojunction between two different semiconductor nanosheets provided their hybrid organic-inorganic structure, surface charges in the lateral direction of the nanoplatelets, etc. Interestingly, 2D perovskites contribute thickness dependent bandgap tuning, where with the increase of thickness of the platelets, bandgap decreases. Therefore, coexistence of 2D hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites with different thickness in solution or thin film form van der Waals heterostructures. This phenomenon is quite interesting to explore the heterostructure-based PD applications. Apart from this, treatment of 2D perovskite nanoplatelets and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) is liable to form van der Waals heterostructure, which has proven to provide some enhanced performances. Inspired from this concept, this project will be on the discovery of new heterojunction with different thickness of perovskites and TMDC semiconductors altering their thickness to optimize the best PD performance.
Project website:
Environmental-friendly and highly efficient perovskite solar cells
Project manager:
Dr Silver Hamill Turren Cruz
Implementation period:
National Science Centre and the European Union’s Horizon 2020
Project number:
Project website:

Programs and competitions


Title: Objętościowa rekonstrukcja obrazowa z filtracją nadmiarowej informacji fazowej
Project manager: prof. dr hab. Maciej Daniel Wojtkowski
Partner: State research institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania
Implementation period:  2021 - 2025
Funding: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Project number: 2020/38/L/ST2/00556

The aim of this project is to introduce and experimentally verify the authors’
original description of physical processes related to the influence of light with partial spatial
coherence on image reconstruction in the presence of optical heterogeneity. The proposed
research works will allow for a better understanding of the physical and technical limitations for the
case of imaging with partially spatially coherent light in systems with phase-sensitive
(interferometric or holographic) detection.

In this fundamental research program, we would like to solve one of the most basic problems
of optics, which is in-vivo microscopic imaging in biological samples. 

This project aims to broaden our knowledge about the image formation process in the presence of
highly scattering media.

The leading hypothesis in this project is the assumption that it is possible to introduce spatial
modulation of the phase of spatially coherent light in a controlled way so as to achieve
non-invasive three-dimensional imaging reconstruction with quality of cross-sectional images
comparable to that obtained by microscopy with spatially incoherent light.


  • Project title: Removal of image distortions by Spatio-Temporal Optical Coherence manipulation.
  • Project leader: prof. dr hab. Maciej Wojtkowski
  • Project number: 2016/22/A/ST2/00313
  • Project duration: 21.04.2017 - 20.04.2021

  • Project title: New method for determination of equilibrium constant for complex formation, concentrations and diffusion coefficients in solutions and living cells at nanomolar down to picomolar concentration of reagents.
  • Project leader: prof. dr hab. Robert Hołyst
  • Project number: 2016/22/A/ST4/00017
  • Project duration: 13.04.2017 - 12.04.2021

  • Project title: Ultrastable and bright fluorophores for single molecule studies.
  •  Project leader: prof. dr hab. Jacek Waluk
  • Project number: 2016/22/A/ST4/00029
  • Project duration: 18.05.2017 - 17.05.2022

  • Project title: Microfluidic methods for quantitative antibiotic susceptibility assays with single cell resolution.
  • Project leader: prof. dr hab. Piotr Garstecki
  • Project number: 2018/30/A/ST4/00036
  • Project duration: 01.10.2019 - 30.09.2023

  • Project title: Elaboration of unconventional nanostructured perovskites and zinc oxide through compositional and morphological engineering for game-changing improvements in light harvesting devices.
  • Project leader: prof. dr hab. Janusz Lewiński
  • Project number: 2019/34/A/ST5/00416
  • Project duration: 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2024


  • Project title: Supramolecular complexes of pillar[n]arenes modified by carboxyl groups with
    guanidine and amidine derivatives
  • Project leader: mgr inż. Helena Lidia Butkiewicz
  • Numer projektu: 2017/27/N/ST5/01931
  • Lata realizacji: 24.07.2018 - 23.07.2021

  • Project title: Structure dynamics of surface of catalytic systems based on nanocrystalline gold loaded
    on oxide supports in chemoselective Reduction of (Volatile) Alpha,Beta-Unsaturated Carbonyl compounds (R-(V)ABUC)
  • Project leader: mgr inż. Maciej Zieliński
  • Numer projektu: 2018/29/N/ST4/01465
  • Lata realizacji: 04.02.2019 - 20.04.2021

  • Project title: Towards novel multicationic halide perovskites and their applications in photovoltaic cells
  • Project leader: mgr Marcin Saski
  • Numer projektu: 2018/29/N/ST5/02322
  • Lata realizacji: 04.02.2019 - 03.02.2021

  • Project title: New nanomaterials for the chemoselective hydrogenation of nitrocyclohexane to cyclohexane oxime under flow-through conditions
  • Project leader: mgr inż. Emil Kowalewski
  • Project number: 2018/31/N/ST5/02555
  • Project duration: 15.07.2019 - 14.07.2021

  • Project title: Aqueous Phase Photo-oxidation of α‑Pinene Aging Products - Kinetics, Mechanism and Product Studies
  • Project leader: mgr inż. Agata Dorota Kołodziejczyk
  • Project number: 2020/37/N/ST4/02527
  • Project duration: 15.08.2021 - 14.08.2023

  • Project title: Fabrication of real-size multi-scale biomimetic vascular networks via microfluidic bioprinting
  • Project leader: mgr inż. Nehar Celikkin
  • Project number: 2020/37/N/ST5/03272
  • Project duration:04.05.2021 - 03.05.2023


  • Project title: Ion permeation in the molecular crystals
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Oksana Danylyuk
  • Project number: 2019/35/O/ST4/01865
  • Project duration: 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2024


  • Project title: Chemistry and photochemistry in photonic cavities
  • Project leader: prof. dr. hab. Jacek Waluk
  • Project number: 2019/35/B/ST4/00297
  • Project duration: 02-10-2020- 01-10-2024

  • Project title: Suprazymes: nanoparticle supported supramolecular catalysts
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Volodymyr Sashuk
  • Project number: 2019/35/B/ST4/01758
  • Project duration: 01-10-2020 - 30-09-2024

  • Project title: Dynamic and Responsive Langmuir-Blodgett Films
  • Project leader: dr. Jan Jakub Paczesny
  • Project number: 2019/35/B/ST5/03229
  • Project duration: 03-08-2020 - 02-08-2023

  • Project title: Fast chemical reactions in gels
  • Project leader: dr Gonzalo Manuel Angulo Nunez
  • Project number: 2019/33/B/ST4/01443
  • Project duration: 30-04-2020 - 29-04-2023

  • Project title: Changes of intracellular transport during cell death
  • Project leader: dr. Karina Kwapiszewska
  • Project number: 2019/33/B/ST4/00557
  • Project duration: 02-03-2020 - 01-03-2023

  • Project title: Novel nanocatalysts in the continuous - flow selective hydr.ogenation processes towards formation of pharmaceutical intermediates
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Anna Śrębowata
  • Project number: 2019/33/B/ST5/01271
  • Project duration: 31-01-2020 - 30-01-2023

  • Project title: Metal containing polymers for electrocatalysis and electrochemical sensing
  • Project leader: dr. Piyush Sindhu Sharma
  • Project number: 2018/29/B/ST5/02335
  • Project duration: 02-09-2019 - 01-09-2022

  • Project title: Diffusion in bimetallic nanoalloys
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Zbigniew Antoni Kaszkur
  • Project number: 2018/29/B/ST4/00710
  • Project duration: 01-03-2019 - 28-02-2022

  • Project title: Understanding the mechanism of lignin-based model molecules selective conversions to phenolics via ultrasound-assisted heterogeneous photocatalysis
  • Project leader: dr. hab. inż. Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero
  • Project number: 2017/25/B/ST8/01592
  • Project duration: 03-09-2018 - 02-03-2022

  • Project title: Remotely light-controlled activity in dyes, proteins, catalysts: imaging, sensing, energy conversion
  • Project leader: dr. hab., prof. nadzw IChF PAN Joanna Niedziółka – Jönsson
  • Project number: 2017/27/B/ST3/02457
  • Project duration: 27-08-2018 - 26-08-2021

  • Project title: Identification of chemical and visual stimuli of Monochamus galloprovincialis ssp. pistor pine sawyer beetles
  • Project leader: dr. hab. inż. Rafał Włodzimierz Szmigielski
  • Project number: 2017/25/B/NZ9/02588
  • Project duration: 15-03-2018 - 14-03-2021

  • Project title: Energy scaling in all-fiber ultrashort pulse laser oscillators
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Yuriy Stepanenko
  • Project number: 2017/25/B/ST7/01145
  • Project duration: 14-02-2018 - 13-08-2020

  • Project title: Diffusion in a crowded environment of living cells: Effects of properties of macromolecules and cell metabolism
  • Project leader: dr. Svyatoslav Kondrat
  • Project number: 2017/25/B/ST3/02456
  • Project duration: 14-02-2018 - 13-02-2022

  • Project title: Designing and application of synthetic receptors for protein hormones
  • Project leader: dr. Piyush Sindhu Sharma
  • Project number: 2017/25/B/ST4/01696
  • Project duration: 13-02-2018 - 12-08-2021

  • Project title: Development of new pathways for CO2 utilization: From a common waste to a valuable chemical feedstock.
  • Project leader: prof. dr. hab. Janusz Zbigniew Lewiński
  • Project number: 2017/25/B/ST5/02484
  • Project duration: 25-01-2018 - 24-01-2021

  • Project title: Thin, free-standing nanocomposite films and their electrical conductivity
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Marcin Fiałkowski
  • Project number: 2016/23/B/ST5/02747
  • Project duration: 29-09-2017 - 28-06-2021

  • Project title: Mechanisms of interaction between silver nanoparticles and biological cells
  • Project leader: dr. inż. Wojciech Nogala
  • Project number: 2016/23/B/ST4/02868
  • Project duration: 30-08-2017 - 29-04-2021

  • Project title: Interaction of membrane-active peptides with model cell membrane and their role in a delivery system. Electrochemical, PM IRRAS as well as STM and AFM studies.
  • Project leader: dr. Piotr Pięta
  • Project number: 2016/23/B/ST4/02791
  • Project duration: 09-08-2017 - 08-08-2020

  • Project title: Allosteric photoregulation in macrocyclic hosts
  • Project leader: dr. Volodymyr Sashuk
  • Project number: 2016/23/B/ST5/02937
  • Project duration: 03-07-2017 - 02-01-2021

  • Project title: Spatial organization of metallic nanowires for advanced photonics
  • Project leader: dr. hab. inż. Joanna Niedziółka Jönsson
  • Project number: 2016/21/B/ST3/02276
  • Project duration: 21-04-2017 - 20-04-2020

  • Project title: MA/iCRO: Macro- and microscopic Corneal ectasia Research for Ophthalmology supported by Artificial Intelligence
  • Project leader: dr. Alejandr.a Consejo Vaquero
  • Project number: 2020/37/B/ST7/00559
  • Project duration: 15-02-2021 - 14-02-2022

  • Project title: Artificial intelligence-assisted 3D digital manufacturing of functionally graded materials: towards the next generation of porous materials
  • Project leader: dr. Marco Costantini
  • Project number: 2020/37/B/ST8/02167
  • Project duration:


  • Project title: Delayed luminescence nanostructures selectively interacting with fingermark residue on a porous substrates and their utilization in dactyloscopy
  • Project leader dr Adam Leśniewski
  • Project number: 2015/17/D/ST5/01320
  • Project duration: 02.02.2016 - 01.02.2021

  • Project title: Properties of complex liquids and their microscopic structure
  • Project leader: dr. Karol Makuch
  • Project number: 2016/21/D/ST3/00988
  • Project duration: 08.03.2017 - 07.09.2021

  • Project title: New receptors for C-reactive protein recognition - generation, characterization and application towards fast differentiation between virus and bacteria
  • Project leader: dr. Katarzyna Szot-Karpińska
  • Project number: 2017/26/D/ST5/00980
  • Project duration: 17.04.2018 - 16.11.2021

  • Project title: Paper and other fibrous materials as micro/nanomolds for deposition on electrodes surface molecularly imprinted polymers of developed surface
  • Project leader: dr. inż. Mciej Cieplak
  • Project number: 2018/31/D/ST5/02890
  • Project duration: 02.10.2019 - 30.09.2022

  • Project title: Engineering microvasculature via 3D bioprinting with innovative bioink additives
  • Project leader: dr. Marco Costantini
  • Project number: 2018/31/D/ST8/03647
  • Project duration: 04.11.2019 - 03.10.2022

  • Project title: Assembly of particle chains based on dielectrophoretic, magnetic and capillary effects
  • Project leader: dr. Konrad Giżyński
  • Project number: 2019/35/D/ST5/03613
  • Project duration: 30.09.2020 - 29.09.2023

  • Project title: Graphene biosensing and biophysics
  • Project leader: dr. Izabela Kamińska
  • Project number: 2019/35/D/ST5/00958
  • Project duration: 02.11.2020 - 01.11.2023


  • Project title: A new approach of vision restoration based on modified Rabies virus tracing technique
  • Project leader: dr. Andr.zej Foik
  • Project number: 2019/34/E/NZ5/00434
  • Project duration: 26.05.2020 - 25.05.2025

  • Project title: Printing of self-assembling dr.oplet arrays: from basic physics to applications in cell encapsulation and high-throughput screening
  • Project leader: dr. Jan Jerzy Guzowski
  • Project number: 2019/34/E/ST8/00411
  • Project duration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2024

  • Project title: CoopCat: developing theoretical tools and concepts to understand cooperative effects in catalysis
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Adam Maciej Kubas
  • Project number: 2018/30/E/ST4/00004
  • Project duration: 01.04.2019 - 2023-03-31

  • Project title: Modulation of stability of virions - a fight for and against viruses
  • Project leader: dr. Jan Jakub Paczesny
  • Project number: 2017/26/E/ST4/00041
  • Project duration: 19.04.2018 - 18.07.2022

  • Project title: Photoswitchable catalysis on the surface of colloidal particles
  • Project leader: dr. Volodymyr Sashuk
  • Project number: 2014/14/E/ST5/00778
  • Project duration: 02.06.2015 - 01.06.2021

  • Project title: Nanoengineering of thin layers of semiconductor photocatalysts in a microreactor environment for lignin-based model compounds valorization
  • Project leader: dr inż. hab. Juan Carlos Colmenares Quintero, prof. nadzw IChF
  • Project number: 2015/18/E/ST5/00306
  • Project duration: 12.04.2016 - 11.10.2021

  • Project title: Moving interfaces: Transfer of ions and molecules between phases in hydr.odynamic
  • Project leader: dr. inż. hab. PAN Martin Jönsson-Niedziółka, prof. nadzw IChF
  • Project number: 2015/18/E/ST4/00319
  • Project duration: 27.04.2016 - 26.04.2021

  • Project title: Ultralong metallic nanowires waveguides - a bridge between the nano- and macroworld
  • Project leader: prof. dr. hab. inż. Joanna Niedziółka Jönsson
  • Project number: 2016/22/E/ST5/00531
  • Project duration: 18.04.2017 - 17.04.2021

  • Project title: Evolution of gene regulation as a stochastic process: Savageau's demand theory, cost of regulation and noise
  • Project leader: dr. Anna Ochab-Marcinek
  • Project number: 2016/22/E/ST2/00558
  • Project duration: 15.05.2017 - 14.07.2022


  • Project title: Active Brownian motion of functional microparticles in complex fluids in the bulk and
    under spatial confinement
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Anna Maria Maciołek
  • Project number: 2015/18/M/ST3/00403
  • Project duration: 18.04.2016 - 17.04.2020

  • Project title: Rare tautomeric forms of porphyrin isomers
  • Project leader: prof. dr. hab. PAN Jacek Waluk
  • Project number: 2017/26/M/ST4/00872
  • Project duration: 04.06.2018 - 03.06.2021


  • Project title: Electrochemistry of Alzheimer's disease - voltammetric studies of newly discovered β-amyloids
  • Project leader: dr. Magdalena Zofia Wiloch
  • Project number: 2020/04/X/ST4/00022
  • Project duration: 30.09.202029.09.2021

  • Project title: Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of nanocomposites as catalysts for valorization of model lignin molecules
  • Project leader: dr. Dimitrios Giannakoudakis
  • Project number: 2018/02/X/ST5/03531
  • Project duration: 24.04.2019 - 30.04.2020

  • Project title: Molecular recognition of folic acid and antifolates by neutral receptors  based on urea and simple sugars
  • Project leader: dr. Magdalena Ceborska
  • Project number: 2018/02/X/ST5/01920
  • Project duration: 21.08.2019 - 22.08.2019

  • Project title: Electrochemical detection of non-conductive objects at nano- and micro-scale under forced convection conditions
  • Project leader: dr. inż. Marcin Hołdyński
  • Project number: 2019/03/X/ST4/02047
  • Project duration: 18.12.2019 - 17.12.2020



  • Project title: Systems in supersonic jets and cryogenic matrices
  • Project leader: dr. inż. Justyna Mech
  • Project number: 2015/16/S/ST4/00427
  • Project duration: 01.10.2015 - 04.01.2020


  • Project title: 3D hybrid organ-on-chip (hOCP) platform for skeletal muscle tissue: a predictive in vitro model and an advanced tool for in vivo repair of skeletal muscle defects
  • Project leader: dr. Marco Costantini
  • Project number: 2016/23/P/NZ1/03604
  • Project duration: 01.05.2019 - 30.04.2021



  • Project title: The role of antimicrobial protein-chemerin in skin pathophysiology
  • Project leader: prof. dr hab. Piotr Garstecki
  • Project number: 2014/12/W/NZ6/00454
  • Project duration: 21.11.2014 - 31.08.2020



  • Project title: In vitro modeling of human vasculogenesis using dr.oplet-microfluidics and organ-on-chip technologies
  • Project leader: dr. inż. Katarzyna Rojek
  • Project number: 2020/36/C/NZ1/00238
  • Project duration: 11.01.2021 -

  • Project title: New anthraquinone-based donor-acceptor organic semiconductors: synthesis
  • Project leader: dr. inż. Kamil Kotwica
  • Project number: 2019/32/C/ST5/00179
  • Project duration: 09.09.2019 - 08.09.2022

Solar-Driven Chemistry

  • Project title: Photoproduction of hydrogen in biphasic systems with electron donor recycling
  • Project leader: prof. dr. hab. Marcin Opałło
  • Project number: 2019/01/Y/ST4/00022
  • Project duration: 01.06.2020 - 31.05.2020


  • Project title: Method for quantification of internalization of chemical and biological molecules into living cells
  • Project leader: dr. Karina Kwapiszewska
  • Project number: LIDER/10/0033/L-9/17/NCBR/2018
  • Project duration: 01.04.2019 - 31.03.2022


  • Project title: Formic acid fuel cell-based power supply for portable electrical devicesMethod for quantification of internalization of chemical and biological molecules into living cells
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Andrrzej Borodziński
  • Project number: PL-TW-VI-1-2019 
  • Project duration: 01.05.2019 - 30.04.2022

  • Project title: Sensing biomarkers of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) with molecularly imprinted polymer-based field effect transistor arrays
  • Project leader: prof. dr. hab. Włodzimierz Kutner
  • Project number: PL-TW/VI/2/2019 
  • Project duration: 01.05.2019 - 30.04.2022



  • Project title: On chip whispering gallery mode optical microcavities for emerging microcontaminant determination in waters.
  • Project leader: prof. dr. hab. Włodzimierz Kutner
  • Project number:
  • Project duration: 03.04.2018 - 03.10.2021


Project title: “Two photon vision and two photon eye imaging (2x2 PhotonVis)”

Project leader: prof. dr hab. Maciej Wojtkowski

Project number: POIR.04.04.00-00-3D47/16

Project duration: 01.12.2017 - 31.08.2022

Project value:  4 753 871,30 PLN

Contribution of European Funds: PLN 4 753 871,30

The POIR.04.04.00-00-3D47/16 project is carried out within the TEAM TECH programme of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

The aim of the project

The main goal of this project is to develop novel and original optical methods and instrumentation for functional testing of human and animal vision, using two-photon absorption and two-photon excited fluorescence processes.

The general concept of this proposal is directed towards the development of novel imaging modalities to create a step change in the paradigm for in vivo optical diagnostic techniques. As a main target of our investigations we selected posterior segment of the human eye – especially optically inhomogeneous and fluorophore rich Retinal Pigmented Epithelium (RPE) and photoreceptors.

The main objective of the project is to broaden our knowledge about the optical properties of the retina and its susceptibility for non-linear optical processes. In particular, we will draw our attention to two phenomena: two-photon isomerization of rhodopsin chromophores and two-photon excitation fluorescence of RPE cells. The specific aims of this program are the following.

Scientific goals of the project:  

  1. To introduce objective measurements of the absorption process using pump-probe spectroscopy in extracted rhodopsin, and in human eyes in vivo.
  2. To introduce efficient light delivery to the retina and to improve sensitivity of detection to achieve two-photon excited fluorescence imaging with exposures reaching acceptable safety limits for humans (experiments on animals only).
  3. To develop compact and robust light sources with central wavelength of 1050 nm and pulse duration of about 30 fs applied to two photon absorption studies in the retina.


  • Project title: Future diagnostic RaMan devIce (FORMI) for detection of medical and environmental pathogenic bacteria
  • Project leader: dr. hab., prof. nadzw. IChF PAN Agnieszka Michota-Kamińska
  • Project number: TEAM TECH/2017-4/23 POIR04.04.00-00-4210/17-00
  • Project duration: 01.05.2018 - 30.04.2021


BacterOMIC - development of systems for comprehensive information on antibiotic susceptibility of bacteria

Funding: Foundation for Polish Science within the TEAM TECH programme POIR.04.04.00-00-2159/16-00.

Project period: 01.05.2017 - 31.12.2019


The aim of the BacterOMIC project realized in a consortium between the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Scope Fluidics sp. z o.o.  is to introduce qualitatively new possibilities in diagnostics and research on antimicrobial resistance – one of the most important current threats to the global health system.

Using microfluidic technologies, Scope Fluidics will develop a TRL6 demonstration of an automated diagnostic system delivering revolutionarily more comprehensive information than is currently available: i) true minimum inhibitory concentration values (as opposed to only break-point levels), ii) a comprehensive set of tens of antibiotics (compared to a few), and iii) information on interactions between pairs of antibiotics (no counterpart in the state of art).

The program at the Institute of Physical Chemistry will deliver i) open systems for facile generation of 2D cross-matrices of dilutions for clinical checkerboard studies of susceptibility and ii) high throughput screening of interactions between antibiotics and between antibiotics and adjuvants acting on bacteria, as a platform for research on mechanisms of resistance and in the search for effective treatment strategies.


Researchers (ICHF):

Tomasz Kamiński, PhD

Ladislav Derzsi, PhD.

Yurii Promovych, PhD. Eng.

Paweł Jankowski, PhD.

Marta Zapotoczna, PhD.

PhD students:

Magdalena Czekalska, MSc.

Adam Opalski, MSc. Eng.

Łukasz Kozoń, MSc. Eng.

Witold Postek, MSC. Eng.

Michał Horka, MSc. Eng.

Artur Ruszczak, MSc.

MSc students:

Paweł Garguliński

Aleksandra Borkenhagen

Agnieszka Koszewska

Sara Krześniak


Patryk Adamczuk, MSc.

Karol Patyrak, MSc.


  1. Tomasz S. Kaminski  and  Piotr Garstecki (2017), Controlled droplet microfluidic systems for multistep chemical and biological assays, Chemical Society Reviews, 46, 6210 - 6226
  2. Adam S. Opalski, Tomasz S. Kaminski, Piotr Garstecki (2018), Droplet Microfluidics as a Tool for the Generation of Granular Matters and Functional Emulsions, KONA Powder and Particle Journal
  3. Witold Postek, Paweł Gargulinski, Ott Scheler, Tomasz S. Kaminski and Piotr Garstecki (2018), Microfluidic screening of antibiotic susceptibility at a single-cell level shows inoculum effect of cefotaxime in E. coli, Lab on a Chip
  4. Ott Scheler, Witold Postek, Piotr Garstecki (2018), Recent developments of microfluidics as a tool for biotechnology and microbiology, Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 55, 60–67
  5. Adam S. Opalski, Karol Makuch, Yu-Kai Lai, Ladislav Derzsi and Piotr Garstecki (2019), Grooved step emulsification systems optimize throughput of passive generation of monodisperse emulsions, Lab on a Chip, 19, 1183 - 1192
  6. Piotr Korczyk, Volkert Van Steijn, Slawomir Blonski, Damian Zaremba, David Beattie and Piotr Garstecki (2019), Accounting for corner flow unifies the understanding of droplet formation in microfluidic channels, Nature Communications 10, 2528
  7. Natalia Pacocha, Ott Scheler, Mikolaj Marcin Nowak, Ladislav Derzsi, Joanna Cichy and Piotr Garstecki (2019) Direct droplet digital PCR (dddPCR) for species specific, accurate and precise quantification of bacteria in mixed samples, Analytical Methods, 11, 5730–5735
  8. Yu-Ting Kao, Tomasz S. Kaminski, Witold Postek, Jan Guzowski, Karol Makuch, Artur Ruszczak, Felix von Stetten, Roland Zengerle and Piotr Garstecki (2020), Gravity-driven microfluidic assay for digital enumeration of bacteria and for antibiotic susceptibility testing           , Lab on a Chip, 20, 54-63
  9. Adam S. Opalski, Artur Ruszczak, Yurii Promovych, Michał Horka, Ladislav Derzsi and Piotr Garstecki (2020), Combinatorial Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing Enabled by Non-Contact Printing, Micromachines, 11, 142
  10. Ott Scheler, Karol Makuch, Pawel R. Debski, Michal Horka, Artur Ruszczak, Natalia Pacocha, Krzysztof Sozański, Olli-Pekka Smolander, Witold Postek and Piotr Garstecki, (2020), Droplet-based digital antibiotic susceptibility screen reveals single-cell clonal heteroresistance in an isogenic bacterial population, Scientific Reports, 10, 3282
  11. Adam S. Opalski, Karol Makuch, Ladislav Derzsi and Piotr Garstecki (2020), Split or slip – passive generation of monodisperse double emulsions with cores of varying viscosity in microfluidic tandem step emulsification system, RSC Advances, 10, 23058-23065
  12. Natalia Pacocha, Jakub Bogusławski, Michał Horka, Karol Makuch, Kamil Liżewski, Maciej Wojtkowski and Piotr Garstecki            (2021), High-Throughput Monitoring of Bacterial Cell Density in Nanoliter Droplets: Label-Free Detection of Unmodified Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative Bacteria, Analytical Chememistry, 93, 2, 843–850
  13. Yu-Kai Lai, Adam S. Opalski, Piotr Garstecki, Ladislav Derzsi and Jan Guzowski (2022), A double-step emulsification device for direct generation of double emulsions, Soft Matter,18, 6157-6166


  1. Piotr GARSTECKI, Paweł DĘBSKI, Jarosław ZIÓŁKOWSKI, Piotr KNAP, „Microfluidic chip”, Bacteromic Sp. z o.o., European Patent Office, Patent number: EP18189586.3
  2. Piotr GARSTECKI, Jarosław ZIÓŁKOWSKI, Piotr KNAP, „Incubation segment”, Bacteromic Sp. z o.o., European Patent Office, Patent number: EP18189593.9
  3. Paweł DĘBSKI, Piotr GARSTECKI Bacteromic Sp. z o.o., “Method and system for rapidly testing antimicrobial susceptibility”, Bacteromic Sp. z o.o., European Patent Office, Patent number: EP18183741.0

Academic titles obtained:

Magdalena Czekalska, was awarded a PhD in Chemistry in June 2019.

Aleksandra Borkenhagen, obtained her MSc.  in September 2019.

Paweł Garguliński obtained his MSc. In November 2019.

Adam Opalski, was awarded a PhD in Chemistry in December 2019.

Witold Postek was awarded a PhD in Chemistry in December 2019.

Michał Horka was awarded a PhD in Chemistry in April 2022.


The BacterOMIC system, developed by the Scope Fluidics Group, received the European CE IVD certificate, which allows it to be distributed on the European Union market. A modern diagnostic device, developed by a team of Polish microbiologists and engineers, has undergone clinical tests of the first diagnostic panel. The research confirmed the functionality of the BacterOMIC system in the diagnosis of drug susceptibility of bacteria that cause a number of infections, incl. respiratory system, blood, urinary tract and skin.



Project title: “Organic-Inorganic Halide Perovskites: Synthesis, structural features, optical properties and photovoltaic applications”

Project leader: dr Daniel Prochowicz

Project number: POIR.04.04.00-00-5EE7/18-00

Project duration: 01.11.2018 - 29.01.2021

Project value:  PLN 798 774 

Contribution of European Funds: PLN 798,774

The POIR.04.04.00-00-5EE7/18 project is carried out within the HOMING programme of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

The aim of the project is to develop new methods for the synthesis of new organic-inorganic halide perovskites. In particular, methods that increase the overall efficiency of solar cells and have high stability under high humidity conditions will be sought.

Scientific goals of the project:

- Development of new methods for the fabrication of high-quality thin films based on lead-halide perovskites with different structural compositions. Demonstration that these methods will lead to highly efficient and stable solar cells under various environmental conditions. An integral part of the research will be understanding of the electrochemical processes occurring in the resulted solar cells.

- Development of new methods for the synthesis of high-quality lead-halide perovskites in the form of single crystals.

- Development and optimization of mechanochemical methods for the synthesis of lead-free perovskite compounds based on Sn2+, Sn4+, Ag+ and Bi3+ cations.

- Understanding and explanation of the physicochemical properties of the obtained perovskite materials.

  • Project title: Single-biomolecule optical sensors based on DNA orgiami
  • Project leader: dr. Izabela Kamińska
  • Project number: Homing/2017-4/32  POIR.04.04.00-00-42E8/17-00
  • Project duration: 01.09.2018 - 31.08.2020


  • Project title: New Applications Of dr.oplet Microfluidics: From Bio-Mimetics To Tissue Engineering
  • Project leader: dr. Jan Guzowski
  • Project number: First TEAM/2016-2/13  POIR04.04.00-00-26C7/16-00
  • Project duration: 03.08.2017 - 31.01.2021


Project title: “Functional Hybrid Materials and Interfaces 'FUNMAT-FACE'

Project leader: prof. dr hab. Janusz Lewiński

Project number: POIR.04.04.00-00-20C6/16

Project duration: 01.04.2017 - 29.12.2020

Project value:  2 950 000,00 PLN

Contribution of European Funds: PLN 2 950 000,00

The POIR.04.04.00-00-20C6/16 project is carried out within the TEAM programme of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.

The aim of the project : The project aims to develop novel synthetic approaches leading from well-defined molecular components to various nano-scaled inorganic-organic materials with specific functions, which are now required to support the unprecedented technological advances that have occurred throughout the 21st century. By bringing together the most talented young researchers we plan to carry out a two-channel research program that will focus on the most important classes of inorganic-organic hybrid materials nowadays: (i) nanoparticulate semiconductors, represented herein by ZnO nanocrystals and (ii) 3D porous metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). The interdisciplinary research approach of this project will be supported by the reputable experts across the Europe in the areas of design and synthesis of dynamic self-assemblies, comprehensive structural characterization of interfaces, advanced time-resolved spectroscopic techniques and heterogeneous catalysis, and theoretical modelling of interfacial processes.

Scientific goals of the project:

  1. Development of efficient synthetic methods and controlled functionalization of vast arrays of high-quality colloidal ZnO NCs
  2. Developing surface coordination chemistry of ZnO NCs and understanding the fundamental mechanisms that govern their physicochemical properties
  3. Rational-by-design strategy of novel ZnO NCs: towards catalysis and bioapplication
  4. Synthesis of novel molecular homo- and hetrometllic building blocks as MOFs’ precursors
  5. Preparation of novel metallosupramolecular architectures with desired functionalities or programmable features by mechanochemical “SMART” strategy as s well as solution-based method
  6. MOFs functionalized with ZnO Nanocrystals


  • Project title: Label-free and rapid optical imaging, detection and sorting of leukemia cells
  • Project leader: dr. hab. Yuryj Stepanenko/ prof. dr. hab. Piotr Garstecki
  • Project number: POIR.04.04.00-00-16ED/18-00
  • Project duration: 01.10.2019 - 30.09.2023

Polskie Powroty

Program im. Ulama

PROJEKT z Działania 4.2. Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój 2014-2020

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