Press notes

From coil to globule


From coil to globule

Polymer materials are used in every part of our life – from textile fibers to...

Injuries to primary visual cortex cause long-term dysfunction of neural circuits


Injuries to primary visual cortex cause long-term dysfunction of neural circuits

Even mild head injuries can mean serious consequences for brain function at its...

Seeing the chemistry of vision


Seeing the chemistry of vision

The biochemistry of vision is a complex process. The molecules supporting the...

Green is in the air


Green is in the air

Earth's atmosphere is full of various gases. Besides nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon...

Treating hypoxia with microporous water – the 2021 Dream Chemistry Award goes to Jarad Mason of Harvard University


Treating hypoxia with microporous water – the 2021 Dream Chemistry Award goes to Jarad Mason of Harvard University

The winners of the 2021 Dream Chemistry Award and the TOP 5 Prize have been...

Molecular shape puzzles


Molecular shape puzzles

We live in times when technology has become a regular part of our lives. Besides...

Macrocosmos in the microscale


Macrocosmos in the microscale

Decades ago, people dreamt about the miniaturization of devices. Everyone wanted...

Let’s face the liquid-liquid interface


Let’s face the liquid-liquid interface

As the energy consumption in the world is growing, shortages of power are...

To adsorb or to do not adsorb? – that is the question


To adsorb or to do not adsorb? – that is the question

Prolonged exposure to antibiotics leads to the gain of bacteria's ability to...

SERSitive won distinction in the Polish Product of the Future competition


SERSitive won distinction in the Polish Product of the Future competition

Our commercial initiative SERSitive won distinction in the category Modern...

20 days later – the short story about muscles regeneration


20 days later – the short story about muscles regeneration

Skeletal muscles make a tremendous variety of actions stabilizing the body in...

Scroll'n'roll – Nanomaterials towards effective photocatalytic pollution treatment


Scroll'n'roll – Nanomaterials towards effective photocatalytic pollution treatment

We live in times when among the most limited and precious resources on Earth are...