Equipment database

Raman spectrometer

  • Producer: Renishaw
  • Model: inVia
  • Description: The Renishaw "inVia" Raman spectrometer, equipped with four excitation light sources: 633nm, 785nm, 514nm and 325nm, coupled with the NT-MDT atomic force microscope (AFM), permits the simultaneous recording of Raman...

Raman spectrometer

  • Producer: Bruker
  • Model: BRAVO
  • Description: Bruker “BRAVO” Raman spectrometer is equipped with “Duo LASER” system with 785nm laser as the main excitation light source. “Duo LASER” system allows for automatic fluorescence mitigation (SSE). System is...

Residual gas analyzer coupled with the gas flow system

  • Producer: Ametek
  • Model: Dymaxion

Rigaku-Denki X-Ray Powder Diffractometer

  • Producer: hybrid based on Rigaku-Denki and Spellman generator
  • Model: Geigerflex
  • Description: A powder diffractometer based on the old model of the Rigaku-Denki diffraction machine modernized in the Laboratory. Equipped with high- class Spellman DF3 generator with 0.1%/8h stability. Measurement controlled by...

Rotating Ring-Disc Electrode

  • Producer: Bio-Logic
  • Model: RRDE-3A
  • Description: The rotating ring disc electrode enables electrochemical measurements to be carried out under conditions where the transport of the electroactive substance to the electrode is by means of convection. Convection is...

Rotational rheometer

  • Producer: Malvern
  • Model: Kinexsus Pro
  • Description: The rotational rheometer enables the testing of both minimum viscosity fluids (like water) and solids such as PDMS. A wide range of measuring tools: parallel plates, cone-plate, coaxial cylinders and double-slit...

Scanning Auger Microprobe

  • Producer: Thermo Electron
  • Model: Microlab 350
  • Description: The Thermo Electron Microlab 350 microanalyzer is designed to study the chemical composition of surfaces of solids with guaranteed analysis parameters, allowing examination of objects with a width of several dozen...

Scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM)

  • Producer: CH Instruments
  • Model: 900B
  • Description: The CHi 900B makes it possible to conduct studies of processes occurring at interfaces with the electrolyte, to determine kinetic parameters, mass transport parameters and to map chemical activity. The instrument has...

Scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM)

  • Producer: Homemade
  • Model: -
  • Description: SECM consisting of 3D piezopositioners and patch-clamp amplifiers. Current resolution < 1 fA. Spatial tesolution ca. 1 nm. Can use nanoelectrode probes and nanopipettes for scanning ion-conductance microscopy (SICM)....

Scanning electron microscope

  • Producer: FEI
  • Model: Nova NanoSEM 450
  • Description: The FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 is a versatile scanning electron microscope that offers unique micro and nano research capabilities, including examination of non-conductive and materials susceptible to contamination. The...

Scanning tunneling microscope

  • Producer: constructed in Professor K.Wandelt's group, University of Bonn
  • Model: EC-STM
  • Description: The microscope enables the local examination of surfaces (topography, electron properties) with nanometric resolution both in a gas environment and at the phase interface: solid-liquid, in aqueous and organic...

Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (TGA/DSC)

  • Producer: Setaram
  • Model: DSC 111
  • Description: The simultaneous application of thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry to one and the same sample in a single instrument. The test conditions are perfectly identical for the thermogravimetric analysis...

Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (TGA/DSC)

  • Producer: Mettler Toledo
  • Model: TGA/DSC 3+
  • Description: The TGA/DSC 3+ provides trustworthy results using a TGA balance from the worldwide leader in weighing technology with position-independent weighing, automatic internal calibration weights, a wide measurement range,...

Single crystal X-ray diffractometer

  • Producer: Agilent
  • Model: SuperNova
  • Description: An X-ray diffractometer for measuring monocrystal samples, the measurement is to determine the angle and intensity of the diffracted beams, which [after using the appropriate software] makes it possible to obtain the...

Single crystal X-ray diffractometer

  • Producer: BRUKER
  • Model: KAPPA APEX II
  • Description: An X-ray diffractometer for measuring monocrystal samples, the measurement is to determine the angle and intensity of the diffracted beams, which [after using the appropriate software] makes it possible to obtain the...