Microsymposium IPC PAS

Date: 18.12.2020

Dear All,

it is our pleasure to invite you to the upcoming annual IPC PAS Microsymposium. It will be held on-line on 19-20.01.2021 using Zoom and the Breakout rooms functionality for individual poster presentations. Similar to last year, we plan the ‘flash presentations’ session that will be modified according to your feedback previous year – flash presentations will be a bit longer (2 min), and only those of you who want will present. Below please find a summary of deadlines:

until 31.12.2020 – please declare via email if you want to give a flash talk: abernatek@ichf.edu.pl
11.01.2020 – deadline for submission of the electronic version of posters (pdf, A0). These should be sent to abernatek@ichf.edu.pl
Template for the flash talk along with the submission date will be announced soon.

In order to fully participate in the IPC PAS Microsymposium, please update your Zoom program to the latest version. Simply download the Zoom Client for Meetings from the link below and run the installer file. It will automatically replace any older version you had previously installed.


Thank you!

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