Equipment database

Scanning electron microscope
Nova NanoSEM 450
Research group:
Laboratory of Surface Analysis

The FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 is a versatile scanning electron microscope that offers unique micro and nano research capabilities, including examination of non-conductive and materials susceptible to contamination. The FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 provides the ability to use two different SEM surface imaging methods in the latest high vacuum generation mode by producing high resolution immersion images (In-lens TLD-SE, TLD-BSE detector) and conventional (Everhardt-Thornley SED detector). The use of appropriate FEI Helix-based detectors enables optimum use of a low vacuum in the work chamber to provide high resolution imaging of non-conductive surfaces by eliminating the accumulation of electrical charge and reducing the sample surface contamination caused by scanning with an electron beam. The variety of detectors used in the microscope results in the unique ability to characterize surfaces in both environments (high vacuum, low vacuum). In addition, the FEI Nova NanoSEM 450 microscope is equipped with two spectrometers: EDS (EDX) (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) and WDS (WDX) (Wavelength Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), which allow analysis of the chemical composition in micro areas. The EDS spectrometer can work in both high and low vacuum modes.


dr inż. Marcin Hołdyński