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We are pleased to announce the success of our ICTER - International Centre for Translational Eye Research - subunit, which was awarded funding in the call International Research Agendas (IRAP) by the FNP Foundation for Polish Science for the second time. The grant is financed by the European Funds for Smart Economy 2021-2027 Program (FENG). The focus of ICTER's research agenda, supported by this grant, is to contribute to technology advancements supporting vision care.
Dr. Adam Kubas, Director of the Institute, emphasizes that "the implementation of the ICTER research agenda under the IRAP FENG grant is part of the Institute's long-term development strategy and strengthens two of the key research pathways developed by our institution, included within the framework of the newly established Excellence Clusters: photonics and advanced medical technologies”.
As announced by the Foundation for Polish Science in the funding announcement, the ICTER centre of excellence has been awarded PLN 30 million for research related to advancing knowledge of the functioning of the human eye and developing novel diagnostic methods. The research agenda aims to develop new tools for safer and more effective surgical interventions and therapies for eye diseases and diagnostic methods to improve prognosis and restore vision. The main technology to be developed as part of the agenda will be a novel robotic system that delivers therapeutics to the eye and performs tissue biopsy, in which micromanipulation of the injection device will be assisted by a robotic system with 3-D image-based localization. The research will be carried out within the ICTER Centre of Excellence at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The work will be led by Professor Maciej Wojtkowski, chair of Department I - Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems, and leader of the Physical Optics and Biophotonics Group.
We congratulate the ICTER Board and employees, and in particular its leader, the Principal Investigator, Prof. Maciej Wojtkowski, a physicist specializing in applied optics and medical physics and the inventor of the first prototype of a clinical SdOCT device for eye imaging.
More information:
The „International Centre for Translational Eye Research” project is carried out within the MAB FENG action 02.01.of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund, European Funds for Smart Economy, agreement no. FENG.02.01-IP.05-T005/23.