Offer no. 9/14

A new Ni(II)-salen based complex and a method of its synthesis, a new method of a product preparation of the first stage of the complex synthesis, the ligand as a product of the second stage of the complex synthesis and its method of preparation

  • Summary:

    Objective of the present invention is a new salen-type complex of nickel (II) and its synthesis, a new way of meso-2,3-diaminobutane dihydrochloride preparation in the first step of the complex synthesis, the ligand as a product of the second stage of the synthesis of this complex and its method of preparation and conducting polymer prepared by the polymerization of the complex and also the method for its preparation and its application as electrode material for supercapacitors.

  • Inventors:
    Kamila Łępicka, Piotr Pięta, Paweł Borowicz, Aleksander Shkurenko, Leszek Stobiński, Włodzimierz Kutner
  • Advantages / Innovative aspects:
    • A new salen-type complex of nickel (II) capable to polymerize
    • A new ligand as a product of the second stage of the preparation process of this complex
    • A new way of meso-2,3-diaminobutane dihydrochloride preparation
    • A new redox-conducting polymer
    • A new electrode material for supercapacitors
    • Fast and well defined preparation process
  • Keywords:
    Monomer, redox-conducting polymer, electrode material, supercapacitors, energy storage devices
  • Field:
  • Usage:

    Energy storage devices, organic synthesis

  • State of the progress:
    stage of research
  • Intellectual property rights:
    Patent in Poland
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