Offer no. 6/16

A method of detection Salmonella spp, Cronobacter spp, and Listeria monocytogenes in food

  • Summary:

    The invention relates to a method of detection of bacteria Salmonella spp, Cronobacter spp, and Listeria monocytogenes in food by using the methods of bacteria culture coupled with surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy. In the invention were used only two stages of ISO methods. After these steps, instead of performing time-consuming biochemical procedures, we used surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy to detect and identify bacteria.

  • Inventors:
    Dorota Korsak, Agnieszka Michota-Kamińska, Evelin Witkowska, Monika Księżopolska-Gocalska
  • Advantages / Innovative aspects:
    • Time reduction of detection of pathogenic bacteria in food
  • Keywords:
    ISO, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonellla, Cronobacter, SERS
  • Field:
  • Usage:

    Food industry

  • State of the progress:
    stage of readiness to introduction
  • Intellectual property rights:
    Patent application in Poland
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