Offer no. 15/16

Coordination polymers based on chromium (II) ions

  • Summary:

    The present invention are the coordination polymers consisting of the carboxylate organic molecules (excluding the 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid) and chromium (II) ions. The invention also includes the method of synthesis of the coordination polymers consisting of the carboxylate organic molecules and chromium (II) ions. Coordination polymers of the invention consist of anionic organic molecules (linkers) containing at least two carboxylate groups and clusters containing Cr2(OOCR)4 units where OOCR is one of the carboxylate groups from the organic linker. The synthetic method of the invention allows for the synthesis of the coordination polymers consisting of the carboxylate organic molecules and chromium (II) ions by chemical reaction using selected organic linkers and the chromium precursors.

  • Inventors:
    Michał Leszczyński, Arkadiusz Kornowicz, Janusz Lewiński
  • Advantages / Innovative aspects:
    • Materials of the invention have the ability to adsorb gases and liquids,
    • Materials of the invention have the ability to separate the gas and liquid mixtures by selective absorption of the molecules with high affinity to the material,
    • Materials of the invention exhibit a catalytic activity in the hydrocarbon oxidation reaction,
    • Materials of the invention can be modified by application of oxidizing or electrodonating reagents,
    • Developed synthetic method allows for synthesis of the chromium (II) coordination polymers as monocrystals,
    • Developed synthetic method uses low toxicity substrates and allows for performing the reaction in aqueous media.
  • Keywords:
    gas and liquid sorption, gas and liquid misture separation, cells and batteries, catalysis, ecology
  • Field:
  • Usage:

    The invention provides a convenient preparation method for synthesis of the coordination polymers based on chromium (II) incorporating Cr2(OOCR)4 moieties, the synthesis of which was impossible or very difficult prior to the invention. The invention creates new possibilities for obtaining the Cr(II)-based materials with unique properties. Coordination polymers of the invention exhibit selective adsorption properties of gases an liquids, can separate the gaseous and liquid mixtures, exhibit “redox” properties allowing their use in the construction of cells and batteries used in electronics. Moreover, due to the incorporated chromium atoms the coordination polymers might be applied in organic catalysis e.g. in drug synthesis. Overall the invention allows for eco-friendly synthesis of coordination polymers based on chromium (II) in aqueous media.

  • State of the progress:
    stage of research
  • Intellectual property rights:
    Patent application in Poland
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