Offer no. 1/15

Novel method of solid catalytic nanocomposites fabrication containing noble metals on polymeric matrix

  • Summary:

    The patent application reveals the synthetic procedure of 5 nm and 30 nm, Au, Ag, Pd and Pt nanoparticle preparation and their functionalization with aminothiolalkil ligands. The obtained nanoobjects possess the ability of spontaneous chemisorption at the surfaces of polymers that contain anhydride, -OH, -COOH or -CHO functional groups. These include polysaccharides and poly(vinyl) alcohol. The degree of coverage of polymeric matrices can be easily regulated, since the chemisorption process is quantitative. The application also reveals the method of preparation of nanocomposites containing up to four different metallic nanoparticles, which can be utilized in catalysis. All described processes take place at room temperature and in aqueous environment.

  • Inventors:
    Tomasz Andryszewski, Michalina Iwan, Jakub Sęk, Marcin Fiałkowski, Robert Hołyst
  • Advantages / Innovative aspects:
    • The functionalization process takes place in aqueous environment and at room temperature.
    • Pd, Pt, Au and Ag nanoparticles can be utilized in the process, as well as mixtures of the above mentioned nanoparticles of any composition.
    • Polymers such as polysaccharides or polymers containing functional such as –OH, -COOH, -CHO, anhydride acid groups can be modified using the described method.
    • The polymer matrices can be modified both within the bulk structure and at the surface of polymers.
    • The polymeric matrices do not require any processing prior to the modification process.
    • The degree of nanoparticle coverage of the polymer matrix can be easily controlled, due to the fact that the modification process is qualitative.
    • The metallic nanoparticles form robust chemical bonds with the polymeric matrices, such as amide, imine, imide etc. bonds.
    • The obtained materials may be utilized in catalysis.
  • Keywords:
    metallic nanoparticles, surface functionalization, chemisorption, catalysis
  • Field:
  • Usage:

    Preparation of heterogenous catalysts that contain up to four different metals in the form of nanoobjects. Inorganic chemistry, Inorganic substances.

  • State of the progress:
    Research completed
  • Intellectual property rights:
    Patent application in Poland
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