Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
National Science Centre
Project title, type and project number
Optical fiber biosensing systems for fast and early identification of inflammatory factors, OPUS Project No. 2019/35/B/ST7/04388
Project leader
dr hab. Inż. Mateusz Śmietana, prof. PW, Warsaw University of Technology; prof. Joanna Niedziółka-Jönsson, Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS
The main goal of this project is to develop an optical fiber–based sensor for the local and fast detection of inflammatory markers in the body.
Number of vacancies
Key responsibilities include
Modification of the end-face of the optical fibers and optical measurements of this fiber with the use of an interferometer
Position in the project
Student - Scholarship
Job type
2 000 PLN/month
Position starts on
Maximum planned period of contract/stipend agreement
12 months with the possibility of extending it to 24 months
We offer
We offer work in an interdisciplinary team established for the implementation of the consortium project, which includes employees of the Faculty of Optoelectronics of the Warsaw University of Technology, the Department of Immunology of the Medical University of Warsaw and the Surface Nanoengineering for chemo- and bio-sensors Group from IPC PAS.
The successful candidate will benefit in the form of new knowledge and methods added to his/her toolbox. The project deals with nanophotonics, nanotechnology, physics, and physical chemistry, so any candidate profile will find some new knowledge to be gained upon the realisation of the project.
Scientific discipline
Physics, chemistry, biology, nanotechnology, material science, or relevant
Scientific profile of a candidate
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Key assessment criteria
When assessing an application, the committee takes into account:
The scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the NCN regulations: „Regulamin przyznawania stypendiów naukowych w projektach badawczych finansowanych ze środków narodowego centrum nauki"
How to Apply: Send application directly to;
IMPORTANT: email title “Recruitment 57/2021”;
• Top candidates may be invited for an online or in-person interview. We reserve the right to contact and reply to only selected candidates.
• The incomplete applications will be not considered.
Application deadline
22.10.2021 23:59
Deadline for the settlement of the competition
Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.