Job details

Recruitment result
Place of work

Institute of Physical Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland TEAM 10: Soft Condensed Matter Group

Funding institution

Łukasiewicz Research Network - PORT Polish Center for Technology Development

Project description

Project title, type and project number

Horizon for Excellence in messenger RNA applications in immunoOncology, Virtual Research Institute (VIB) no. WIB-1/2020-O11, 3/2022

Project leader

Prof. Andrzej Dziembowski – Leader of WIB_HERO project, Prof. Robert Hołyst – Team Leader of IChF Group in WIB_HERO project


Most current experimental methods for real-time measurements in single cells provide only qualitative and semiquantitative insights into the molecular mechanisms of interest. More detailed data can be obtained in high-throughput assays (biochemical assays with cell extracts) or from studies on fixed cells (various labelling procedures). This technological gap prevents the understanding of the kinetics of subcellular processes in particular. This gap can be filled by a technique that uses Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), which allows a determination of the number and the diffusion time of single molecules in a sample. This well-known technique has found limited application in living cells due to the difficulty in interpreting data regarding "diffusion time" in particular. Robert Hołyst's group has conducted research for over 10 years to develop an empirical model linking the size of molecules and the hydrodynamic resistance they encounter in complex fluids, including the cytoplasm of cells and the interior of the cell nucleus. This model and the resulting equation allow direct calculation of diffusing molecules inside the cell. This allows us to determine the number of moving molecules and their average size and their number. 

The goal of the project will be the application of advanced fluorescence techniques to answer fundamental questions about interactions of exogenous mRNA in the cellular interior. To this end, the original, proprietary method for real-time measurements of molecular interaction parameters in living cells will be used. This method is based on fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), supported by quantitative fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM).

We are looking for an experimentalist with solid theoretical background in chemistry to cope with the physicochemical problems in physical chemistry. We guarantee access to top-notch instrumentation and well-equipped laboratories.

Job description

Number of vacancies


Key responsibilities include


1. Sample preparation

2. Measurements

3. Data analysis

4. Reporting

Role in the project:

Position 1 - Experiments on the capture and expression of mRNA.


Position in the project

PhD student position

Job type

Full-time employment contract


We offer a monthly salary up to PLN 6,000 (depending on experience and qualifications). This amount shall be subject to obligatory deductions for health and social insurance, advance income tax payments, and other public dues of the employer and the emplo

Planned start of work in the project


Planned period of contract/stipend agreement

60 months

We offer

  1. Benefits including reduced-rate for an individual private medical healthcare package and membership in the MultiSport programme.
  2. Full technical, administrative and organizational support from professional English-speaking personnel.
  3. Participation in courses, scientific training, support from peers, and academic mentoring.

Career development prospects at IPC PAS

Career development prospects at IChF:

  1. The successful candidate will be part of a Soft Condensed Matter Group in the IChF.
  2. Opportunity to advance scientific knowledge and gain hands-on experience at the border between biological science and physical chemistry in a prestigious application-oriented project.
  3. Opportunity to work in a dynamic, multidisciplinary team of experienced chemists, engineers and biologists.
  4. Participation in international conferences and Erasmus+ programme.

Link to Euraxess website

see website

Scientific discipline

Chemistry, Physical Chemistry

Scientific profile of a candidate

First Stage Researcher (R1)


  1. Education: Master degree of Chemistry or related discipline - achieved before the work in project starts.
  2. Good knowledge of English.
  3. Strong motivation and commitment.
  4. Knowledge of the FCS technique (Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy) and the basics of cell biology will be a welcome advantage.
  5. Complying with the non-compete policy following the VIB Program guidelines.

Candidate must meets any of the following criteria:

  1. is a participant in a doctoral programme;
  2. is a doctoral candidate at a doctoral school.

Candidates can simultaneously apply for “Warsaw PhD School in Natural and BioMedical Sciences” in order to meet the criteria.

Key assessment criteria

The commission evaluates applications on a point scale (max 100 points).

The Commission will take into account the following criteria:

  1. competences of candidates to perform specific tasks in a research project (max 30 points);
  2. previous scientific achievements of candidates, including publications in the renowned publishers/scientific journals, grants, awards, opinion of the candidate, issued by an independent researcher  (max 20 points);
  3. soft skills – command of English language, communication skills, teamwork, compatibility of plans for individual development with the goals of the group (max 10 points);
  4. creativity measured by the quality and number of scientific publications in which the candidate is the first author, corresponding author or significant author and patent applications/patents and/or implementation (max 10 points);
  5. mobility in the candidate's career (research internships, change in scientific profile, internships and work in industry) (max 10 points);
  6. the number of citations of the candidate's work, especially those papers in which the candidate is the first author, corresponding author or significant author (max 10 points);
  7. creativity measured by the quality and number of research projects the candidate has led and publications resulting from the implementation of those projects (max 10 points).

Top candidates will be invited for an online or in-person interview. Good command of English is required. We reserve the right to contact and reply to only selected candidates.

Only candidates with a minimum of 70 points would be considered for the position. A position will be offered to the person who obtains the highest number of points. The Recruitment Committee may not recommend any candidate for the position if no candidate would get at least 70 points.

Required documents

1. Professional curriculum vitae, including:
- list of publications with the indication of a maximum of five most important works carried out in the last 5 years (after deduction of breaks in research work), patent applications, patents, implementations, research projects; 
- correspondence address and / or e-mail address and telephone number of the candidate,
2. at least one opinion of the candidate, issued by an independent researcher 
3. a cover letter not exceeding 3,500 characters (1 A4 page) containing concise information on scientific/ professional interests, achievements to date, possible participation in research projects and own research interests, 
4. scans of MSc Diploma of Chemistry or related discipline or a declaration of planned MSc defense.
5. the candidate's declaration that he/she has become acquainted with the General Rules Governing Competitions for Research Posts at IChF in Warsaw.

Recruitment procedure

Candidates will be selected in an open competition, complying with the principles underlying the “European Charter for Researchers” and the “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers” as a part of IChF “HR Excellence in Research” strategy.

The position will also be awarded also in accordance with the granting agency regulations: Standardy rekrutacji do Zespołów Badawczych w ramach Wirtualnego Instytutu Badawczego oraz przeprowadzanie ewaluacji ich stosowania, the IChF employment policy and  the General Rules Governing Competitions for Research Posts at the IPC PAS in Warsaw.

How to Apply: Send application directly to

IMPORTANT! email subject: “Recruitment no. 3/2022

The Selection Committee evaluates applications and interviews candidates on a point scale. The position will be awarded to the person who obtains the highest number of points.

At the employment starting date, the applicant should be enrolled to a doctoral school.

The position will be awarded to the person who obtains the highest number of points.

If the top candidate resigns, we reserve the right to choose the next candidate from the ranking list.

The results of the competition are made public.

The competition may be extended until a suitable candidate who fulfils all requirements is recruited.

Additional information

The announcement will be published on the following websites:

Candidate have the right to file a complaint about any action in the recruitment process. The appeal shall be lodged with the Director of the Institute within 7 days from the date of receipt of the appropriate information. The decision of the Director of the Institute is final.

More information about the VIB:

More information about the IPC PAS:

More information about the Team:

For additional job details please contact: or


Application deadline

20.02.2022 23:59

Planned date of settlement of the competition


Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.

Date of announcement: 27.01.2022

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