Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS, group 8
National Science Centre
Project title, type and project number
Photophysics and Bimolecular Reactions of Metal Nanoclusters OPUS-LAP 2021/43/I/ST4/01411
Project leader
Gonzalo Angulo
Atomically precise metal nanoclusters (APMNs) are in the border between molecules and nanoparticles with a unique set of properties and a great potential for many applications. Unravelling them would be extremely interesting from a basic point of view and for photovoltaics, catalysis, bioimaging or optoelectronics. There is a long-standing debate about the nature of the electronic states involved in their optical transitions and about their peculiar behavior: lack of similitude between the absorption and the luminescence excitation spectra, multiexponential luminescence decays, relatively low emission yields... Much has been advanced in the elucidation of the role of the organic capping or of other metal doping, although still the precise mechanisms await an explanation. There are two reasons for this: first it is difficult to isolate atomically precise species, and secondly structurally-related spectroscopies have not yet been fully applied to this problem. In collaboration with a group in Geneva, able to design and characterize well defined stoichiometries of APMNs, in particular gold nanoclusters, our Warsaw group will apply state-of-the-art photophysical and electrochemical methods to study the nature of the states involved in the optical transitions, especially with femto-second stimulated Raman scattering. Thus, with this project we have the possibility to fully uncover the structure- and composition related contributions to the photophysical characteristics of the APMNs.
To describe the photophysical and electrochemical properties of Atomically precise nanoclusters. To determine their reactivity in solution.
Number of vacancies
Key responsibilities include
Position in the project
student – scholarship position
Job type
Student – scholarship position
2500 PLN
Position starts on
Maximum planned period of contract/stipend agreement
12 months
Career development prospects at IPC PAS
Continue with PhD thesis after completing the master studies.
Scientific profile of a candidate
First Stage Researcher (R1)
Required Education Level
Main research field: Physical Chemistry or Chemical Physics
Level: Bachelor degree or equivalent, and student of master.
- Bachelor in physics, chemistry or related,
Specific Requirements:
- good experimental skills in the project's techniques: optical absorption and fluorescence time resolved methods, Raman spectroscopy and electrochemistry,
- good knowledge of Physical Chemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Photophysics and electrochemistry
- able to program in Matlab or similar
Required Languages:
English. Level: Good
Key assessment criteria
How to Apply: Send your application directly to;
IMPORTANT: email title “Recruitment 22/2023”; (emails without this number will not be considered!)
The scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the Employment policy of the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS and the rules defined by National Science Center’s document "REGULATIONS FOR AWARDING NCN SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NCN-FUNDED RESEARCH PROJECT”
We reserve the right to contact and reply to only selected candidates.
The incomplete applications will not be considered.
The scholarship will be awarded to the person who obtains the highest number of points.
The results of the competition are made public.
If the top candidate does not sign the contract due to resignation, we reserve the right to choose the next candidate from the ranking list.
Application deadline
1.06.2023 0:00
Deadline for the settlement of the competition
Archival announcement. We would like to thank all candidates for their submitted applications.